The apple cake is, for me, the basics of cakes (even before the chocolate cake !). It's pretty easy to bake, but so good ! What takes the longest it to cut the apples (but sometimes we gotta do some efforts to get what we want, right ?). This recipe is perfeclty moist, the apple bits are mostly on top of the cake (because I cut them in small pieces and not in big ones) and they make a nice layer of deliciousness on top. Here is the recipe !
Heat the oven at 175°C.
This recipe is good for one enormous cake (or two medium ones, or a big one and a smaller one, or ... well you got what I mean :) I made the one you see on the photos plus a smaller one with those proportions)
- some lemon juice
- 250g butter (softened, so take it out of the fridge a bit in advance)
- 160g sugar
- 2 sachets vanilla sugar
- 1 sachet of baking powder
- 425g flour
- 150 ml milk
- 5 eggs (medium/big)
- a bit of salt
- a bit of cinammon
The steps :
- Peel and cut the apples in small bits. Put some lemon juice on them.
- Mix together the softened butter, the sugar, the vanilla sugar and the salt
- Add the eggs and mix
- Add the milk and mix
- Add the flour, the baking powder and the cinammon
- Finally, add the apples to the dough, mix a bit and pour everything in the cake form
Bake for 40 minutes (or more or less depending of the shape of your cake form)
After the cake has completely cooled down, you can add a bit of icing on top :
- 65g of icing sugar
- 10g os lemon juice
Add lemon juice or sugar to adjust the consistency. Then, pour the icing in zigzags on top of the cake. (You can also double the proportions and cover the whole cake, but I think the lemon would cover too much of the cake taste.) It's ready !

Enjoy !